How can I change or cancel a reservation?



You can extend your booking before or during the trip, as long as the end time of your booking hasn’t passed. If someone after you has already booked the car, extending the trip is not possible.


You can cancel a booking free of charge until the start time of your booking with the Regular and Frequent rates as well as with the Zzp Pro and Zakelijk/Business Pro rates. With the Occasional rate you can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours in advance. With Zzp Go and Zakelijk/Business Go, this is up to 4 hours in advance. After that, cancelling your trip is no longer free of charge. You then pay for the time that you have booked the car.


You cancel or change your booking via the booking system of our website, or the Greenwheels app. If you extend, change or cancel your trip with the help of our customer service, we will charge a fee.


This is how you can change a booking in the app:


  1. Go to your active/upcoming booking in the app;
  2. Click the trip you wish to change/cancel;
  3. Choose 'cancel' or change your timeslot;
  4. Confirm the changes or cancellation


Want to know more how to change or cancel a booking? Follow this link.

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